One-stop destination for auto gauges
We make your journey memorable!
Our Story
Digital Auto Gauges came into existence with the vision to make your driving experience seamless.
Driven by values, we’re on a mission to help people be on the go safely and smartly! Our innovative digital gauges are helping people all over the world. We go the extra mile to provide a hassle-free driving experience.
Want to replace or update your vehicle’s gauges? We’re here to assist you! From auto gauges, car gauges, diesel gauges, oil gauges, pressure gauges, temperature gauges, truck gauges and accessories, you will find everything here!

Warranty Information:
Teltek USA lifetime warranty, excluding abuse.

Compatible with:
Chevy, Dodge, Ford, Freightliner, GMC, Hino, International, Izuzu, Kenworth, Mack, Mitsubishi, Peterbilt, Sterling and Volvo

Semi truck load weight gauge, Semi truck load trailer gauge, Load trailer for trucks, Tractor trailer aftermarket load weight gauge.
Stay Informed
Get to know about crucial stats like oil pressure, temperature and RPMS with our smart automotive gauges. Our gauges are available in various styles that cater to your taste.
We also go above and beyond to ensure that your gauges are parallel to your interior styles. So no matter what your demands are, we have something for everyone.